Addy Chronicles: COVID Opportunities & BFFs
Physical distancing is hard. We all know that. And then kids really know it! My daughter has grown quite savvy with her mask wearing and keeping 6 feet of distance between herself and others . She knows not to hug, high five nor wrestle. No trading jewelry nor putting her face within 2 cm of her best friend while giggling or playing with her hair! All of these are physical actions that are second-nature to a 6 year old girl. So when wearing a mask becomes so common place that she forgets to take it off in the shower, my heart both shrivels in mourning and lifts in pride. She…
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall. Who’s This I See? Could It Be Me?
A big part of this blog is sharing my own personal parenting adventures. To do that, I’ll end up sharing a lot about my daughter too. She’s 5-years-old, loves the color purple, expresses herself best through dance and song, and always insists on checking out the massive Anaconda during our zoo visits (it’s been her favorite animal since age 2). Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s a Minnie-Me”? When I became a mom, I really wasn’t expecting my own child to resemble myself. I’m not talking about physical attributes so much. Genetically, I knew my daughter would likely have reddish blond hair, blue eyes and my button nose. Her…