Talking Sex with My Daughter Even Before She Could Say the Word “Sex”
I never imagined talking about sex with my daughter before she could even talk herself. Yet that is when it started. I, along my husband, decided early on that we would not provide “pet names” for Addy’s body parts, especially her female parts. Her labia was her labia. Her clitoris was her clitoris. Her nipples were her nipples. She does however refer to those as her “nibbles”. Early on that is the pronunciation she heard. I simply smile when she is adamant that that is the correct term for those pink, fleshy, projections on her chest. It is important to me that Addy have the words she needs to describe…
Parenting Lessons from Parents Who Cheat, Lie, Fail Their Kids (And Play Aunt Becky on Full House)
Let me disclose my prejudice right away: I was always jealous of Aunt Becky! Gorgeous and funny husband. All the benefits of great "parenting" and returning them to their dad at the end of the day. And her figure still in tact because she didn't actually have to carry those adorable kiddos in her own body. As their "Aunt", she was influential in the success of D.J., Stephanie and Michelle.
Getting Your Children Outside Everyday: 5 Rainy Day Activities
Here in Minnesota, the snowy February has made way for a rainy March! This mom, who doesn’t usually complain about the weather, is pulling out her hair! I have found a silver lining. It smells like Spring! That gives me hope that this [cloudy, wet, cold weather] too shall pass. Last fall, Aaron and Addy traded their muck boots for swimsuits. Rainy days don’t have to keep your kids inside. It’s an opportunity to do something out of the ordinary. Last fall, Aaron and Addy traded their muck boots for swimsuits. On a particularly rainy day, our street was flooding as leaves clogged up the sewer drains. While Aaron cleaned…