Addy Chronicles: COVID Opportunities & BFFs
Physical distancing is hard. We all know that. And then kids really know it! My daughter has grown quite savvy with her mask wearing and keeping 6 feet of distance between herself and others . She knows not to hug, high five nor wrestle. No trading jewelry nor putting her face within 2 cm of her best friend while giggling or playing with her hair! All of these are physical actions that are second-nature to a 6 year old girl. So when wearing a mask becomes so common place that she forgets to take it off in the shower, my heart both shrivels in mourning and lifts in pride. She…
Getting Addy Outside: Why This Mom is Waging the Battle for Outdoor Play Everyday
I promised no soap boxes but this mom has a pretty strong opinion and I’m going to advocate for it here on Her First Role Model. To advocate for something, I need to be sure I am actually walking the talk. Breathing, let alone walking, in the arctic air that is part of Minnesota winters is hard. Perhaps what is harder is getting Addy jazzed about going outside (and in all honesty, I have to fake my own enthusiasm). Let me be honest, some days it like waging a battle. It is so much easier to just stay put. Yet when I make the effort, I never regret it. After…
Winter is No Exception to Getting Addy Outside Everyday: 10 Winter Outdoor Activities to Leave You Inspired
We live in Minnesota so the winters can be frigid. Going outside, January through March, can be challenging. When I say artic air, I’m not exaggerating! March is usually the snowiest month. When the plain’s states are starting to see signs of spring, we are still digging ourselves out. This winter, February’s snow falls hit record levels. We have had a lot of snow. Snow is motivating for my daughter and I. Activities are easier to come by if we have a foot or two of snow. Sledding, ice skating, snowshoeing, downhill or cross-country skiing happen in abundance. If we are homebound, there are the classics like building a snowman…