Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall. Who’s This I See? Could It Be Me?
A big part of this blog is sharing my own personal parenting adventures. To do that, I’ll end up sharing a lot about my daughter too. She’s 5-years-old, loves the color purple, expresses herself best through dance and song, and always insists on checking out the massive Anaconda during our zoo visits (it’s been her favorite animal since age 2). Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s a Minnie-Me”? When I became a mom, I really wasn’t expecting my own child to resemble myself. I’m not talking about physical attributes so much. Genetically, I knew my daughter would likely have reddish blond hair, blue eyes and my button nose. Her…
Meet Karen Ray: My First Mommy Role Model
I chose to interview my friend and first mommy role model, Karen Ray, because it was a weekend at her home and with her kids that stretched my imagination. My ex-husband and I were asked to home sit with her kids in it. From making meals to playing in the backyard, it was like playing an adult version of “house”. Until that weekend, I never once considered having children of my own. More than that I had made the choice to not be a parent. There are a lot of other circumstances that changed in my life and brought me to this day, a day when being a mom is…