Addy Chronicles: COVID Opportunities & BFFs
Physical distancing is hard. We all know that. And then kids really know it! My daughter has grown quite savvy with her mask wearing and keeping 6 feet of distance between herself and others . She knows not to hug, high five nor wrestle. No trading jewelry nor putting her face within 2 cm of her best friend while giggling or playing with her hair! All of these are physical actions that are second-nature to a 6 year old girl. So when wearing a mask becomes so common place that she forgets to take it off in the shower, my heart both shrivels in mourning and lifts in pride. She…
Stay-At-Home Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 1
Fridays, the schedule shifts a bit. It is Fun Day Friday, so instead of Reading and Math, we take part in Project Lab. A room is filled with various stations like Legos, play dough, art and craft projects and other team-oriented activities. They've even made Apple Butter after their day at the Orchard.