Addy Chronicles: COVID Opportunities & BFFs
Physical distancing is hard. We all know that. And then kids really know it! My daughter has grown quite savvy with her mask wearing and keeping 6 feet of distance between herself and others . She knows not to hug, high five nor wrestle. No trading jewelry nor putting her face within 2 cm of her best friend while giggling or playing with her hair! All of these are physical actions that are second-nature to a 6 year old girl. So when wearing a mask becomes so common place that she forgets to take it off in the shower, my heart both shrivels in mourning and lifts in pride. She…
Stay-At-Home Coronavirus Pandemic: Week 1
Fridays, the schedule shifts a bit. It is Fun Day Friday, so instead of Reading and Math, we take part in Project Lab. A room is filled with various stations like Legos, play dough, art and craft projects and other team-oriented activities. They've even made Apple Butter after their day at the Orchard.
Breaking & Baking Bread
Well, the first week of stay-at-home and social distancing, Addy and I survived. In fact, it was more than survival. We thrived and had lots of fun together. Homeschooling for 1 week was a success! I’ll check in again after 3 months of it. I might have a different sentiment. But for now, I am on board and truly grateful for our time together. Each day, we did a science experiment and posted it to Facebook. On the third day, we decide to use science for a very old tradition: baking bread. Normally, we are a wheat/whole grain bread family. So when we visit Grandma Ann, we feel gluttonous when…
Women’s History Month: Celebrate through Simple Costumes and Timeless Portraits
I am not being original as I got this idea from another mom and daughter who did the same thing for Black History Month. I was inspired by the conversations some costumes and a camera could make. So Addy and I set out to capture who she believes are "strong and brave" women from history and fiction. For each day during the month of March, Addy is dressing up as a different strong and brave woman.
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall. Who’s This I See? Could It Be Me?
A big part of this blog is sharing my own personal parenting adventures. To do that, I’ll end up sharing a lot about my daughter too. She’s 5-years-old, loves the color purple, expresses herself best through dance and song, and always insists on checking out the massive Anaconda during our zoo visits (it’s been her favorite animal since age 2). Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s a Minnie-Me”? When I became a mom, I really wasn’t expecting my own child to resemble myself. I’m not talking about physical attributes so much. Genetically, I knew my daughter would likely have reddish blond hair, blue eyes and my button nose. Her…
Getting Addy Outside: Why This Mom is Waging the Battle for Outdoor Play Everyday
I promised no soap boxes but this mom has a pretty strong opinion and I’m going to advocate for it here on Her First Role Model. To advocate for something, I need to be sure I am actually walking the talk. Breathing, let alone walking, in the arctic air that is part of Minnesota winters is hard. Perhaps what is harder is getting Addy jazzed about going outside (and in all honesty, I have to fake my own enthusiasm). Let me be honest, some days it like waging a battle. It is so much easier to just stay put. Yet when I make the effort, I never regret it. After…
Talking Sex with My Daughter Even Before She Could Say the Word “Sex”
I never imagined talking about sex with my daughter before she could even talk herself. Yet that is when it started. I, along my husband, decided early on that we would not provide “pet names” for Addy’s body parts, especially her female parts. Her labia was her labia. Her clitoris was her clitoris. Her nipples were her nipples. She does however refer to those as her “nibbles”. Early on that is the pronunciation she heard. I simply smile when she is adamant that that is the correct term for those pink, fleshy, projections on her chest. It is important to me that Addy have the words she needs to describe…
My Decision to Stay At Home & Why I Reserve The Right to Change My Mind
Before Addy was born or even a twinkle in my eye, I put in a lot of hours at work. I saw my job as more than a career. It was my identity and almost a lifestyle. I was a youth director and a really great one! I wouldn’t consider it the kind of career that requires ladder climbing. But it did demand time and a depth of commitment that only the job of mom has rivaled. I was in the process of transitioning out of youth ministry when I discovered I was pregnant. I knew that I wanted to raise a family, and I questioned whether I could do…
Getting My Daughter Outside Everyday & 10 Kid-Friendly Outdoor Activities
I certainly don’t want to imply that I’m perfect at getting my daughter outside every day. But I am indeed a practitioner and am committed to practicing more days than not. But I am convinced of the benefits from time spent outside, especially in natural settings like forests and here in Minnesota, lakes! If you’d like to know a bit more about the benefits like a child learning to socialize and building resilience by taking risks, check out Getting Addy Outside: Why This Mom is Waging the Battle for Outdoor Play Every Day. If you’re like me, already committed to getting your children outside every day, but a bit short on…
Getting Your Children Outside Everyday: 5 Rainy Day Activities
Here in Minnesota, the snowy February has made way for a rainy March! This mom, who doesn’t usually complain about the weather, is pulling out her hair! I have found a silver lining. It smells like Spring! That gives me hope that this [cloudy, wet, cold weather] too shall pass. Last fall, Aaron and Addy traded their muck boots for swimsuits. Rainy days don’t have to keep your kids inside. It’s an opportunity to do something out of the ordinary. Last fall, Aaron and Addy traded their muck boots for swimsuits. On a particularly rainy day, our street was flooding as leaves clogged up the sewer drains. While Aaron cleaned…